Shut Useless header
Shut your eyes, and look again, the whole world has gone upside down.
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Boiler Room

Ideas, names, thoughts, styling, branding, photography, mice. Anything goes.

Boiler Room
Photo by Dovydas Pranka - Pexels
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    Keep calm and ship

    Strategies for Making an MVP for a startup

    To build an MVP to get your foot in the market means you have to build and ship, and ship it fast. There are things we have to account for as we do this without breaking our souls. The ship must be easy to repair, and it must be well understood, in a very short time. New ship builders need very little instructions, and a lot of leeway to operate before they are destined to make a mess.

    Why building small apps with a long-term mindset is a bad idea

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    The Journey is inevitable, baggage optional


    Have you ever had to move apartments? If you have, then you know that before you moved, you had to choose the right apartment, in the right neighborhood. Imagine now that you went from one neighborhood to another, looking for the right one, with a van carrying all your furniture. This excess baggage, while you are still testing the waters, is only going to hinder you.

    Why building small apps with a long-term mindset is a bad idea - Part II

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    Why building small apps with a long-term mindset is a bad idea

    A series about building MVPs

    Have you ever tried using a hammer to knock a pin off the board? If you have, you would have known that you just end up hurting your fingers.

    Creating a minimum viable product for a startup is a skill that is quite lacking in this world. I will share some stories and my two-and-a-half cents.

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    Shshsh, Shut The Shutters and Şit!

    I mean SIT!

    About time! wouldn't you think? My last post was in August of last year, after which I was growing sick of my old interface, for many reasons. Here is why I have jumped to a new design.

    Two years past since I dubbed myself as SHUT on MSN Messenger. SHUT THEORY blog was on the back of my mind ever since. The last design was based on elmota, although I had a shutters area (sort of my guilty little me!), I was never able to switch completely to this favorite name of mine

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    First Annual CSS Naked Day - April 5

    By the time this page is published, it will be most probably naked. April 5 (that is tomorrow) has been marked by Dustin Diaz as CSS Naked Day. In the spirit of supporting web standards, he wants to encourage a lot of people to go stripped of their css files.

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    Spam My Life Away

    How I Fight Spam on All Levels

    Food charity photo created by jcomp -

    And I am not just talking about email spam, but rather spam of everything. Spam of redundant files on your desktop, spam of information when you hit search button on Google, spam of comments added to a blog, spam of little pieces clogging your nose – err, okay that last one is not avoidable!

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    Little things

    Small enhancements to software makes a huge difference to users

    I take notice. I am a UX designer, that may be the reason, but I take notice of all the little enhancements a new software version releases, that makes life easier. I do not have to read the release notes, it just comes naturally.

    Now the IE7.0 is about to be released, and as described by the beta version, windows will open in tabs as in FireFox. Office word they came up with a window per document, and you have to ctrl+click to open a link. Outlook now is concealing the window tab from the taskbar when minimized, and previews first incoming email by default. Hotmail has a new notification that allows you to open inbox without opening email itself. And Word switches next line after a header to normal text.

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    To AJAX or not to AJAX

    When is it a pain in the neck?!

    Years ago when I started my professional career, I used to apply every new technology I put my hands on, on my homepage or on the current project I would be working on. Now I have grown up, and have grown out of it! It was clear to me that the less technology on

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    Are we clear

    Always use ClearType for HTML.

    Clear type zoomed in

    Always use ClearType setting by Microsoft, it is the future of typography