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Shut your eyes, and look again, the whole world has gone upside down.
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Shutlogue is my personal blog. Gathering news, expressing my opinion, and never shutting up.

Photo by frimufilms - freepik
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    The year 2022 in one word, one more word

    Yet one more article about the year 2022

    Webb. I remember that name for one reason only. I’ll tell you at the end of this article.

    What Webb brought back

    Here is yet another article, though I read no other one, about the year 2022 in lines.

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    How I brought back a design from the dead

    Resuscitation of shut theory design, apologies.

    Years have gone by since I launched this particular design, when it was trending. I retrieved the files from web archive, and revived and resuscitated, and had some fun.

    The first shut theory blog image ever—2007

    Nostalgia. That what brought this old design back to life. I have no regrets though. This attempt to bring back the dead, is for no other reason than fun. I just want to prove that it is indeed doable.

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    ما بين الحديد واللحم، والفولاذ والعظم

    هناك في تقاطع شيبويا، رأيت الله أحسن الخالقين.

    تقاطع شيبويا

    تقاطع شيبويا في طوكيو يعتبر معلم سياحي، يأتي اليه السياح لالتقاط صورهم وهم يعبرون التقاطع. روّج للتقاطع عدة أفلام اتخذته رمزًا لطوكيو. التقاطع يبدو مزدحمًا بالسياح فقط! ويغذّي الزخم البشري محطّة شيبويا الرئيسية.

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    Dare I pink?

    Yet another redesign apology

    It's been almost seven years since I redesigned this blog, and I am definitely going to miss it. I might even never like a blog again! Here is my new attempt, just to look a bit interested. And following is my apology for the things I removed, kept, and introduced.

    Pink redesign

    The old rotten piece of newspaper as the background I fell in love in 2006, well, that wasn't because of the trend (which was so back then), I simply love that look.

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    Good afternoon Australia

    Reading the newspaper, watching the morning show in Sydney, and a glimpse of LOST, and it boils down to this.

    By freepik

    Welcome to the year 2008. This is the age of hyper speed. Pills solve all kinds of problems. Fast! But it took ten years after the death of Princess Diana for the case to be finally closed.

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    Over Planning

    ADVICE: Never over plan, you will end up exactly as those who don't plan

    Traveling for the first time to multiple cities and booking tickets ahead of time, then be disappointed that you have to lose part of it, because when time comes, all plans change.

    Sabotaged in Rome

    I love planning. Especially for trips outside. It is so cool and easy. Login to the Internet, search, find, reserve, print, or pay online. Well, not so! The trip I was planning for was to Germany.

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    Apologies for the New design

    The new look of Shut Theory, explained.

    The new design ignores FireFox, adopts CSS base layout, and has a thick bottom. And no more comments.

    The new shut theory

    Alright, it has been over a year since I got this website to run, and ever since, I have been declaring that it has not been designed yet. Well, I have started to see nightmares about it, and finally I designed it. What’s new about this design you say? Nothing much!